My husband finally decided to fix the hernia that's been nagging him for the last THREE YEARS! He finally made all of the appointments, and before we knew it he was scheduled for surgery. We thought it would all take at least a month. The whole process only took us two weeks. Just enough time for my hubby to get really anxious, but not enough time to adjust to the idea and calm back down.
Well, since this is the biggest thing my husband has ever had to do medically (previously, he's only ever had stitches), he asked me to stay there at the hospital with him. I wasn't surprised by this, and was happy to do it for him. The original plan was to get him to the hospital, and while we was going through the surgery, I'd run our daughter to school and be back just in time for him to wake up. Then, after his recovery time, we could go home, pick up our daughter from school, and maybe even catch a quick nap while my family all napped. Yeah...that didn't happen.
So, I get up way too early so we can get everyone ready to go. I'm not a morning person to begin with. But couple that with my husband's anxiety and my lack of sleep, I was so looking forward to nap time. After we got to the hospital we learned that by the time they knocked him out for surgery, my daughter would be so late getting to school it wouldn't be worth driving that far to drop her off for the hour and half of class. And my hubby was due to wake up from the anesthesia around the same time as when I got back. If they delayed his release at all, we'd be late picking my daughter up from school. And my sweet girl, while she wanted to go to school, she also wanted to be there for Daddy. So, my girls and I stayed at the hospital the entire time.
Thank goodness I took my mini tatting bag. This is my "on the go" bag. It's just a little ziplock sandwich bag with a single ball of thread, a couple of shuttles, and a small pair of scissors.
I was recently asked to teach at the local lace guild. At the last meeting, I had shown them the piece I was mailing to my tatting exchange partner--a 3D rose bookmark--and everyone liked it so much they asked me to teach them all how to make it at the next available meeting. So while sitting at the hospital, I thought it would be great to make a few examples to have on display--maybe a few roses by themselves, and one attached to a hair clip, maybe a pin, and then--of course--the bookmark. Well, that's more than just a couple of roses to make and what better time to make them than while sitting in the surgical center? And I had everything I needed to make the roses in my little bag.
Well, sleep deprivation became evident in my first rose of the morning. I messed up several of the rings by adding too many stitches. Then, I ran out of thread because I underestimated how much I needed. So my rose came out much thinner than the original pattern. Thank goodness this is such a forgiving pattern. Even a little thinner, the rose turned out beautiful.
With the rose done, I couldn't help but look at the clock on the wall. My husband's surgery should be finishing up soon. I got up to look at the guys playing a game in the nearby field that my kids were watching. They wanted to know exactly what game the guys (identified as firemen) were playing. But before long, I caught myself pacing the floor and could feel my anxiety rising with every tick of the clock. Time to make another rose. At least when my hands are busy, my anxiety stays in control.
The second rose I put in an extra effort to get the pattern just right. Great way to distract myself from the tick of the clock, though the other couple of people in the waiting room may not have appreciated the "under, one. Under, two..." mantra I had taken up.
The doctor finally emerged, only about 10 minutes late, and informed me everything went really well. Though, because my husband had waited so long to have the hernia taken care of, the damage was really bad. Now, I just had to wait for him to come to. The anesthesiologist had warned me that because my hubby didn't get much sleep the night before, he would likely take a little longer to wake. It's a good thing I was warned. A whole hour after the time he should have woken on his own, the medical staff decided to give him a little nudge. We were finally allowed to go see him.
My poor hubby was disoriented and upset. He really didn't like the idea of having a three hour gap in his memory. And given how out of it he was, I figured the hospital staff wasn't likely to let him out any time soon. So, I pulled out my tatting again and finished up the last couple of split rings, wound it up, and tied the rose into shape.
The surgical center was excellent, took really good care of all of us--not just my husband. And we were right next to one of my favorite sandwich shops, Kneaders, so I decided we should have a little treat after such a long day. Originally, we thought he'd be out of there around noon. We got out about two hours after that. The girls were angels the entire time, thank goodness. And they're still trying hard to be good little helpers. I'm going to have to make them special rose hair clippies now. They really earned them!
I never did get my nap. After getting everyone home, I put the girls and my hubby down for naps while I ran to the pharmacy to get his script filled. I got in a little grocery shopping while I waited, and found a whole bunch of movies on sale that I knew my hubby would enjoy. I kept thinking at the hospital that I should get him something, but what do you get for a guy? Flowers just seemed too frilly, so to stumble upon all of these movies that I know he likes was great luck.
The girls helped make a 'get-well' card that we tied to the movies, and heated up leftovers for dinner. I was so lucky I happened to make extra food the day before completely by accident. I think I've had a guardian angel looking out for me the last couple of days, helping me get through. We were all in bed before 9pm, which I'm pretty sure is a first!
I never thought I'd ever be grateful for the C-sections I had to endure with both of my girls. But those experiences certainly prepared me to handle this one. I know all about how to take care of post-hernia surgery patients, how to manage pain safely and effectively, and the importance of making my husband get up and walk around even though it brought tears to his eyes this morning. (The first movements after 8 hours of stillness are always the worst!) And my husband has finally agreed to listen to me and not let health issues go for so long.
Today, I'm still feeling the effects of yesterday's sleep-deprived adventures. But I can't complain too much. My kids are super helpful, and my hubby's doing really well. And today, I should be able to catch that nap!
It's never dull in the Light house!