Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Haven't posted much lace

I haven't posted much about lace lately, save for the little butterfly edging. Things have been so busy around here! With the kids starting school, and all of the adjustments to the new schedules, gardening, plus all of my husband's activities, there just hasn't been a lot of free time for anyone around here.

However, after I get the 1 1/2 bushels of peaches sorted (ripe from unripe) I'm heading down to my favorite yarn shop. They're having their annual wool sale, and boy do I have a lot of projects I'd love to make with wool! It's the start of the sale, so I'm hoping not a lot of people have already been in and bought out the best colors and fibers. I'm so excited, I can't wait to get out the door. But the store doesn't open for another two hours, and I have another hour before Jane heads to school. So, I'm kind stuck for the time being. I think I'm going to take this time to go through all of the projects in cue, pick out my top picks, and make a note of the weight and yardage of yarn I'll need for each one. But picking just my tops picks is going to be hard!!!  :-)

So, before I dash off to take care of peaches, babies, and projects, I wanted to share a thought for the day. "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say 'I used everything you gave me'."--Erma Bombeck

But it's not enough to simply develop talents and use them; we must to put them to good use. What I mean is that those talents are to be used to help someone, even if it's your own family. Our highest calling in this life is to love and support one another, to serve one another. It's what we call friendship. So, I hope to stand before God at the end of my life and say that I have not a single bit of talent left, for I used it all to serve and show my love.

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